1.1 Inheritance tax and tax on gifts during lifetime
Indonesia does not levy inheritance or gift tax.(印尼不徵收遺產稅與贈與稅)
Regarding tax on gifts, Indonesian income tax law stipulates that grants or gifts from the parent directly to the children (or vice versa) or gifts received is not taxable as long as there is no business or employment relationship.
1.2 Gift tax
There is no gift tax in Indonesia.
1.3 Real estate transfer tax.(印尼徵收房地產移轉稅)
The transfer of the real estate (i.e., land and building) is subject to final tax of 5% of the gross proceeds. The transfer of a basic house (rumah sederhana) and basic flat (rumah susun sederhana” by a taxpayer whose main business is the transfer land and/or building is subject to final tax of 1%.
1.4 Endowment tax
There is no endowment tax in Indonesia.
1.5 Transfer duty
A land and building acquisition duty of 5% is payable when a person obtains rights to land or a building with a value greater than IDR60 million. A number of exemptions apply, including on transfers in connection with transfers to relatives.
1.6 Net wealth tax
There is no net wealth tax. However, the Indonesian income tax law states that net increment in wealth originating in income not yet subject to tax is taxable. In the Indonesian individual income tax return, the individual taxpayer is required to declare assets and liabilities. Should there be any net increment of the assets that is from income not yet reported on the tax return, the tax office may assess additional income tax.